Dog Treats For All Ages

The range of dog chews and treats sold on Dog Treats have been sourced from leading UK suppliers.  Dogs from the age of 4 months will start teething.  This is the best time to introduce your puppy to 100% natural chews and treats.  Natural can be misleading if you believe the labels found on most supermarket products.  Natural can only mean one thing.  Free from all preservatives, colours, and anything chemical or artificial.  All the chews and treats we supply are 100% free from anything artificial or chemical.  100% natural as nature intended.

List of Natural Air Dried Dog Treats

Please find below a list of most of the most popular dog treats.  Due to seasonal variabilities some products may not be available.  Our premium natural air dried treats are priced competitively.  If you do find products of the same quality for cheaper please call us for a price match.

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